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Crossfit in Iceland

You can say that Annie Mist Þórisdóttir started this Crossfit wave when she started her career in 2009 and git the second place, year later on games 2010. The Icelandic Crossfit Comunity wasn‘t founded until 2013 but there were a few affiliates, Crossfit Sport was founded in 2008.


There is no doubt that our best athletes are in crossfit. The best of the Icelandics are Þuríður Erla Helgadóttir, Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson, Annie Mist Þórisdóttir, Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir and Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdóttir.


Þuríður Erla Helgadóttir

Þuríður Erla Helgadóttir better known as “Thuri Helgadottir“. Thuri played soccer as a child but got into  track and field, mostly in 400-800m run. Thuri started training crossfit with Crossfit Sport in 2010. A year later in 2011 her career started where she went to regionaæs with her team. Her team got the first place and got a place in the Games. Since then Thuri has went to the Games both as a single and a team. Thuri landed in 8th place in Open this year. Thuri is also in Olympic weightlifting and has two Icelandic records in -63 category. 77kg in snatch and 106kg in clean&jerk.







Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson

Björgvin was raides in Hveragerpi and was a gymnastic and soccer athlete. Björgvin started Crossfit at Crossfit Hengill early in the year 2012. Björgin most success is when he surprisingly got 3rd place in Games 2015. Björgvin landed in 4th place in Open this year. Björgvin also does Olympic weightlifting and is one of the best lifters in Iceland.







Annie Mist Þórisdóttir

The Queen of Crossfit Annie Mist did gymnastics, ballet and high jump in her early years. Annie started Crossfit in 2009 an only year later she got the second place in Games 2010. Since then Annie has won the Crossfit Games twice and was the first woman to achieve that. Annie Mist landed in 7th place in Open this year. Annie is also part owner of Crossfit Reykjavík and she trains there and coaches when she is in Iceland.


Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir

Katrín was in gymnastics for a long time and track and field for one year. Katrín started Crossfit 18 years oldin 2011 in Crossfit Reykjavík. Katrín got into games 2014 and got the last place but that showed her how much she wanted to win. In 2015 Katrín got back into the Games and got the first place and than again in 2016. Katrin moved to The United States and trains at Crossfit New England. Katrín got the 10th place in open this year but she will ne a succes at the Games 2017.







Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsóttir

Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdóttir better known as Sara Sigmundsdottir doesn‘t have any athletic background. Sara tried Bottcamp and was the only girl who could do a push-up on her toes. There she realized she was strong. She started Crossfit in 2013 but had particepated before in the endurance tour (þrekmótaröðin) 2012 and landed in second placeþ Sara participlated in foreign competitonds and was always at a good place and realized that she might have a chance to get into the Games. Sara has gone twice to the Games in 2015 and 2016. Sara landed in first place in Open this year and There are controversies about wether Sara or Katrín will win the games 2017. Sara was the first Icelandic woman to snatch 91 kg and has a Icelandic record in clean

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